A community account dedicated to breaking the Kremlin’s inside story pointed out that Russian President Vladimir Putin accidentally slipped his foot while climbing the stairs and rolled down 5 steps to the ground. Unexpectedly, Putin’s excrement was stained due to “physical factors” The whole body is full, which also makes it impossible for Putin to treat Putin in time when the doctor arrives.
According to the " Daily Mail " report, the Telegram account General SVR, which claims to be in touch with Putin's entourage and specifically broke the Kremlin's insider news, recently issued an article stating that Russian President Putin fell at his home on November 30.
At that time, Putin was walking up the stairs, but he fell down due to slippery feet, so he rolled down at least 5 steps. Although he got stuck on the steps in the middle, when Putin tried to get up, he fell down 2 steps due to his unstable center of gravity. steps.
And because of "gastrointestinal cancer" (the channel previously pointed out that Putin had cancer, but there was no clear evidence), when Putin fell to the ground, his body involuntarily defecated, which also made him covered with his own excrement thing.
In the end, although the doctor rushed to the scene in time, because Putin's condition was really difficult to deal with, so Putin was cleaned by other people in the toilet first, and then the doctor conducted a comprehensive examination. The report pointed out that when Putin fell, his tailbone hit the ground, and bleeding appeared in the tailbone and soft tissues.